2024 Trends overlayed on manufacturing floor image

Industrial Trends for 2024: Part 1 – National Markets

It’s no secret to observers of the industrial market that, following a torrid couple of years that saw vacancy rates plunge to all-time lows and asset pricing soar to all-time highs, there has finally been a return to something closer…
Roller coaster with downtown San Diego in the background

The Future is Decentralization

Hold on tight. The commercial real estate rollercoaster is far from over. The pandemic unleashed a wave of structural economic shifts that caused a once-in-a-generation landslide in the industry. And the effects have not been distributed…
Happy motivated male employee cheering with excitement after receiving a reward

Innovative Ways to Reward and Motivate Your Employees

Today, there are more ways to work than ever before. Whether your employees are working remotely, juggling hybrid, or navigating new workplace technology, finding ways to reward and appreciate their efforts is important. When employees…
Happy Athletes who have been assisted by CAF - surfing skiing running racing in wheel chairs

Join the Journey: Celebrating 30 Years of Empowering Athletes with CAF

I hope this message finds you well. Over the years, your invaluable support has played an integral role in fueling the mission of the Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF) – a mission that empowers individuals with physical challenges…
beautifully landscaped warehouse distribution building

What Can Landlords Do to Improve Their Properties to Gain/Keep Tenants?

As a landlord, your ultimate goal is to attract quality tenants who will not only pay their rent on time but also take care of the property. In a competitive leasing market with numerous options available to potential tenants, standing…
Casual discussion between boss and employees - company culture

Key to Success: Build a Strong Company Culture

Establishing a strong company culture is vital for a positive and productive work environment. A company’s culture is built on shared beliefs, values, and practices and guides its employees’ interactions with each other and its customers.…
manager ovrseeing employees packing up their office

How to Ensure a Smooth Transition to Your New Commercial Space

Congratulations on finding a great new space that fits your business's needs! Relocating or expanding your business to a fresh or new commercial space can ignite a whirlwind of emotions – a mix of excitement, anxiety, and a feeling of…
robot and human fingers touching on a computer screen with a ray of bright light.

Artificial Intelligence: Useful Tool or Something to Fear

Depending on who you’re listening to, artificial intelligence (AI) can either conjure up a HAL 9000 or a benevolent WALL-E scenario. In any event, the genie has been released from the bottle and there’s no turning back. It’s understandable…
San Diego Owner-User Property Photo

Why Are Industrial Property Values Holding Up So Well?

Many of us in the commercial real estate industry were predicting a significant correction in property values in response to the doubling of mortgage interest rates over the past year. When you add runaway inflation, a slowing economy and…
LA City at Night with Money Overlay

The LA April Fool’s Day Tax: Not a Laughing Matter

It seems appropriate that Measure ULA (United to House LA), otherwise known as the “mansion tax,” went into effect on April Fool’s Day of this year. For those not familiar with this measure, a 4% ULA transfer tax is now levied on…
Debt vs Income on a scale

Now is the Time to Ask: How Does My Lender Calculate DCR?

The grim statistics show that commercial-property owners face nearly $400 billion of debt maturing this year as regional bank failures threaten the industry’s biggest source of financing. Local and regional banks accounted for nearly…
retirement plan notebook

The Importance of Transition Planning for Owner/Users

The successful execution of any business initiative begins with a good plan. This is especially true when it comes to the complexities of integrating your real estate disposition strategy with a transition and succession plan for your business…
SD Office Loans Maturing

Beware of Maturing Debt

If you have been following the financial news lately, you have likely been bombarded with reports about the banking sector. The high profile meltdowns of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, two of the biggest regional banks in the country,…
Residential Neighborhood in Harmony with Logisitics Center

The Good Neighbor Policy, the Zombie from Sacramento

The Good Neighbor Policy, AB 1000, aimed to protect California communities may do just the opposite and lead to additional pollution and loss of jobs.
Industrial Buidling Entrance with Tree

The Impact of Higher Mortgage Rates on Industrial Property Values

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So, as you might expect, if lowering the Fed Funds Rate sent mortgage rates down, then raising the same rate would make them go up.
man sitting at desk drinking coffee working from home on a hybrid schedule

Why Hybrid Work is Playing a Bigger Role in CRE Than Inflation

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Hybrid work is a bigger concern for commercial real estate than inflation or a recession. Why? Hybrid work shrinks the overall CRE footprint.
holographic image of businessman in suit outlining commercial real estate skyline

The Benefits of Investing in Commercial Real Estate

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Investing in commercial real estate can provide benefits including high-income potential and capital appreciation at low risk.
retired couple sitting on the beach in lounge chairs together watching the sunset

How to Use CRE Investing to Prepare for Retirement

When you diversify your portfolio and invest in income-producing properties, CRE investing can be a great way to prepare for retirement.
san diego warehouse with blue hue

San Diego Industrial Development with Pat Connors

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In this month’s Market Insights, we have Pat Connors, Vice President at Voit, speaking about what’s going on in the San Diego industrial warehouse sector.
board of directors and shareholders sitting at a conference table

What Does It Mean to be a Broker-Owned Firm?

Being a broker-owned firm means our brokerage professionals sit on the Board of Directors and are shareholders in the company.
urban office space with wood paneling and greenery

What You Should Consider When Leasing Office Space

As a business owner, you should consider the following before leasing office space: space needs, time, lease length, and the different types of commercial leases.
city skyline san diego hyatt

How COVID and Interest Rates Affect Retail with Bob Brady

In this month’s Market Insights, we discuss the resilience of the retail sector, how COVID affects restaurants, and interest rates in a recession.
industrial property

The Looming Recession & Industrial Property

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Since 2011, owner/user industrial property values in the San Diego region have been on the rise, and have now reached a level that even the most optimistic and experienced professionals never imagined. Current pricing for industrial buildings is more than double the previous market peak back in 2008, and for those who purchased their buildings back in the 1990s, their properties are worth up to eight times their original purchase price.
remote workers working in a coffee shop

Third Places: Changing the Work Landscape

“Third places” are changing the work and CRE landscapes as we know them. Research shows some 36% of employees work in such ‘third places’ at least once a week.
Entrepreneur walking downtown in front of commercial building on the phone

Simple Marketing Tips for Entrepreneurs

Simple marketing tips for entrepreneurs include setting measurable goals, identifying and engaging with your audience, and knowing when to outsource.
white architecture pillars in long hallway

What Are Voit’s Four Pillars?

At Voit Real Estate Services, some characteristics differentiate us from the rest. Our four pillars include culture, team, community, and clients.
two professionals sitting at a desk reviewing paperwork

Real Estate Agent vs. Broker: What Is the Difference?

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A real estate agent is licensed to help buy, sell, and rent real estate. A broker has continued licensing to work independently, start a brokerage, or hire agents.
man in suit touching holographic "benefits" with finger

Top Seven Benefits of Using a CRE Broker

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Using a CRE broker can save you time and money, reduce stress, provide market knowledge, help in the negotiation process, and get you to be taken seriously.
office buildings downtown with green foliage and trees in front

Use Office Space to Promote Activity and Mental Wellbeing

Companies can use office space to promote activity and mental wellbeing by using open space, establishing way-of-work guidelines, and prioritizing comfort.
businessman shaking someone's hand

Disposition Options for Owner/Users

The owner/user model a time-tested model that has been around for decades, and literal fortunes have been made as a result. However, individuals acquiring assets for their own use don’t think much about how and when to dispose of them when they are no longer needed to run their operations. Let’s discuss disposition options for owner/users that are available.
male researcher in PPE in labratory

Life Science Is Trending: What to Consider When Leasing Lab Space

Before you lease life science space, consider if you’ve given yourself enough time, your finances and desired location, and what elements you need in your lab.
invest in CRE

Investing in CRE: Is Now a Good Time?

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The demand for industrial real estate in San Diego is still running high and that has many of our clients asking us about the sustainability of the run-up in property values that has sent pricing far above the previous cyclical peak back in 2007. Potential third-party investors and would-be owners/users are wondering if this is still a good time to get into the market. The answer depends on several variables. Let’s take a look at a few of them to shed some light on what might be best for you in the long run.
paper house on desk surrounding by swirling blank dominos

Should Startups Jump on the Fractionalized Real Estate Asset Trend?

While fractional real estate isn’t new, it’s become increasingly popular in recent years as it reduces the financial obligation for a single property investor.
commercial lease document with money and glasses sitting on desk

Five Factors to Consider Before Renewing a Commercial Lease

Before renewing a commercial lease, there are five factors you should consider: Time, size of the space, costs, property condition, and negotiations.
broker and clients

What Traits to Look for in Your CRE Broker

At Voit, we believe there are specific character traits your broker should have. Our client advisors are long-term oriented, calm, optimistic, and energetic.
man negotiating with woman at a table

Situational Awareness: Your Key to Successful Negotiations

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Finding the right space requires a level of situational awareness in understanding economic trends and high-growth industries.
Wooden house on table with hundred dollar bills money and journal pen and glasses

How to Get Started in Real Estate Investing

Real estate investors can diversify and enjoy stable income streams by buying and renting out properties, buying REITs, crowdfunding, or flipping properties.
Real Estate Newspaper section black and white with glasses in frame

Five Types of Commercial Real Estate

There are many types of commercial real estate, five of which include office, industrial, retail, multifamily, and land.
Broker vs. Client Advisor

What’s the Difference Between a Broker and a Client Advisor?

Brokers are transactional and go with the easiest, quickest path to get a deal done whereas Voit client advisors are relationship-focused and take time to understand your business first.
industrial modern building at sunset

The Impact of Higher Mortgage Rates on PID Owner-User Buildings

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For decades, industrial business owners throughout Southern California have been purchasing buildings for their own use. The concept first became popular in the 1970s when developer Dunn Properties decided to sell individual buildings in their projects after experiencing sluggish lease-up activity. They were surprisingly successful in that effort, and it literally changed the industrial landscape to what we see today; dozens of small building projects throughout San Diego County known as Planned Industrial Developments, or PIDs.
Industrial Real Estate

Industrial Real Estate Growth Continues into 2022

The industrial sector continues to grow in CRE. Refinancing, acquisition and construction, and funding are all things that business owners and CRE investors should take advantage of.
Down Payment Requirements for Commercial Properties

Down Payment Requirements for Commercial Properties

With a traditional commercial mortgage loan, expect a down payment of 15% to 35%. As for an SBA loan, expect a standardized down payment of 10% to 15%.

How Voit Motivates Its Team Members

There are many ways to motivate your employees. At Voit, one of our favorite ways is treating top producers to an incentive trip at a luxury resort each year, which we’ve done since Voit was established in 1971.
Sustainable CRE

The Importance of Building Environmentally Sustainable CRE Portfolios

Today, it’s increasingly important for CRE investors to build environmentally sustainable CRE portfolios; seeing as this reduces their risk exposure and delivers greater value.
Real Estate Trends

Five Trends Driving the CRE Market in 2022

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At Voit, we’re observing five trends driving the CRE market in 2022: industrial, multifamily, life science, office space, and inflation.
2022 Office Leasing Trends in San Diego

2022 Office Leasing Trends in San Diego

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The San Diego commercial real estate market is being heavily influenced by the massive expansion of the life sciences sector; specifically Sorrento Valley, Sorrento Mesa, and UTC.

The Sale-Leaseback Alternative

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A sale-leaseback allows property owners to free up balance sheet capital without losing the ability to continue using it. The sale-leaseback might be right if you’d like to exit your investment and continue business operations from your current location.
Setting Goals as a CRE Broker

Setting Goals as a CRE Broker

As a CRE broker, setting goals is essential to your success. Moreover, your goals need to be concrete and quantifiable to guide quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily tasks.
Financing Commercial Real Estate Part 2

Financing Commercial Real Estate: Part 2

Conventional loans are based on the income stream that a property produces. This considered, the most important component of the underwriting process is the stability of the income stream.
Aerospace Driving CRE in Southern California

Aerospace Driving CRE in Southern California

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The aerospace industry’s demand for commercial real estate is on the rise. As the demand for satellites increases, so does the CRE necessary to build them.
How Does a Commercial Broker Get Paid?

How and Why Are CRE Brokers Paid the Way They Are?

How does a commercial broker get paid? And who pays them? To alleviate confusion, Voit Real Estate Services is here to clarify the process.

From the Desk of Eric Northbrook

Finding the right building for your needs requires attention to detail and a thorough understanding of all your options. We can help at Voit.

Financing Commercial Real Estate: Part 1

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The owner/user model has been around for decades and has been a tremendous wealth-building tool for business owners throughout the nation. The San Diego Region has long been a leader in owner-user sales and that trend continues to this day. Let’s take a look at how you can become your own landlord and build wealth for yourself, while still providing significant advantages to your company.
Midway District

Midway District: What’s to Come?

San Diego’s plan to revitalize the Midway District has hit a wall. But the fight isn’t over. Read on for more on SD’s 30-foot coastal height limit and how Measure E hopes to change this.
How Amazon Growth is Affecting Commercial Real Estate in San Diego

How Amazon Growth is Affecting Commercial Real Estate in San Diego

With a newly constructed fulfillment center in Otay Mesa, Amazon is the top e-commerce company in the world, affecting CRE growth in San Diego.
Voit San Diego Office

Why Voit Made Top Workplaces Lists in 2021

Voit prides itself on our company culture—which is why we’ve been named in San Diego’s Top Workplaces 2021 by the San Diego Union-Tribune.
Senate Bill 9

What is Senate Bill 9? Should It Have Been Approved?

This time of year, there’s a lot of legislation to keep top of mind—especially for those in the commercial real estate industry. Most recently, California Governor Gavin Newsom approved Senate Bill 9. The changes that accompany this bill bode the question of whether or not Governor Newson made the right economic call approving it.
The Silver Tsunami

The Silver Tsunami and CRE: What You Need to Know

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The term “Silver Tsunami” illustrates the aging of baby boomers. How will this phenomenon impact the commercial real estate (CRE) industry?
San Diego Tourism

San Diego Tourism is Trending Again

The San Diego economy is booming once again. Commercial properties are filled. It’s official: San Diego tourism is trending again.
life science san diego

The San Diego Life Science Demand is Heating Up

The demand for life science research has grown significantly. A global pandemic was the cherry on top, causing investors to seek opportunities more than ever.
skyline view of Downtown San Diego with dark clouds on the left and sunny skies on the right

Office Outlook: Dark Skies Now, Sunny Skies Ahead

The adage, “It’s always darkest before the dawn,” seems like an accurate assessment of the current office market. Despite record vacancy levels across the country, there are some positive indicators as we head into the final quarter. The…
Good news for tenants overlayed on an aerial of many industrial buildings

Industrial Markets at Midyear: Some Good News for Tenants

Despite a continued downturn in the industrial market as we enter the dog days of summer, there’s also some good news in the near term — as long as you’re a tenant seeking to renew or relocate. Across all metrics, the industrial…
Made in America overlayed on 4 US manufacturing plant photos

What Does Manufacturing Returning to the U.S. Mean for SoCal Industrial?

One of the pandemic’s inadvertent silver linings was that it exposed the fragility of the global supply chain. Worldwide shutdowns of manufacturing and distribution facilities disrupted the flow of goods. Everything from meat to toilet…
biology medicine and medical laboratory photo and cell culturing multi well plate and pipette safety cabinet

The San Diego Life Science Market

Impressions from BIO International and an Update on the San Diego Life Science Market San Diego, one of the Big Three life science clusters in the U.S. (along with Boston and San Francisco), recently hosted the BIO International Convention…
Broker profiles The Meet Our Professionals Series overlay on a grid of Voit's brokerage professionals headshots

Broker Profile: Senior Vice President Kimberly Clark (San Diego)

Kimberly Clark is a senior vice president and partner at Voit Real Estate Services’ San Diego office and the first to be highlighted in Voit's "Meet Our Professionals" Broker Profile Series. Kimberly learned early in life through…
Sustainable measures - strategic investment overlayed globe with eco-friendly icons

Sustainability Measures Improve the Bottom Line for Property Owners

It is important for investors and property owners considering “going green” with their new building project or existing asset renovation to remember that it’s not just about “saving the planet.” It’s a strategic investment that…
End of Extend and Pretend overlayed on two business making a deal with a bag of money

Is ‘Extend and Pretend’ Coming to an End? Maybe Not.

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In recent months, a slew of published articles shed light on the imminent commercial real estate loan maturities and the potential ramifications for the industry and the broader economy. As these loans mature, landlords have limited financing…
AI 3d rendering of city buildings overlayed on computer board

AI Streamlining Site Selection, Planning, and Development Processes

In a previous blog post on AI, we discussed the myriad ways it will impact the commercial real estate industry — from property valuation and market analysis to predictive analytics to facilities management. As the technology continues…
Team overlay on Voit headshot collage with text Strong Company Culture Essential Component to Success

Strong Company Culture: Essential Component to Success, Part II

In our previous post, we defined what Voit means by “company culture” and discussed the benefits of a well-defined workplace culture that is put into practice. We examined the positive impact on work-life balance for employees and the…
Team overlay on happy employee photo with text Strong Company Culture Essential Component to Success