Base Year CRE
Rental owners have a responsibility to their future selves to set first year rent, or base year, correctly. But why is base year important? Well, base year isn’t just a figure—base year sets the precedent for future years. This considered, the figure set in your base year is important in any commercial lease negotiation. So, … Continued
Top Workplaces
At Voit, we care deeply about not only our clients but also our team members.  For this reason, we were thrilled to have been named to several Top Workplaces lists for 2021, including OCBJ Best Places to Work, OC Register Top Workplaces, USA Top Workplaces, and San Diego Union-Tribune Top Workplaces. Considering this achievement, we … Continued
CRE Mistakes
It’s true. Everyone makes mistakes. At Voit Real Estate Services, however, we’d prefer these mistakes to not concern your real estate investments. We’re here to help drive you as far away from these mistakes as possible. Whether you’re looking for industrial, multi-family, residential, retail, or office space, when it comes to finding commercial property, your … Continued
Zillow & SB 9/10
We all know the platform Zillow. Best known for its home price listing service, the company recently branched out and tried to get into the transaction process itself. However, things didn’t go as planned. As a result, Zillow is currently offloading a superstorm of intended fix and flip homes onto the market; approximately 7,000 U.S. … Continued
Voit Real Estate Office
At Voit Real Estate Services, our four pillars are community, clients, culture, and family. Our team is connected, collaborative, fun, and of course, we’re all about the people. Don’t believe us? Check out this video from our recent summer event. We believe in showing our clients who we really are with full transparency. In an … Continued
Downtown Building
Last month, we answered the question: Is it a good time to buy a building? We discussed the benefits of investing in real estate and elements to consider prior to investing in CRE property. But we believe there’s more to say—which is why we got Greg Marx, Vice President at Voit Real Estate Services, on … Continued
Digital Nomad, Remote Work
If you could work from anywhere in the world, where would it be? This is a question that digital nomads today get to ask themselves time and time again. But what is a digital nomad? What do they do? And how does digital nomadism affect the commercial real estate industry? What should CRE investors consider? … Continued
CRE Lease
In a metro area as large as San Diego, market conditions are in a constant state of change in terms of product type and location. So, it is vitally important that you are fully informed on local conditions before making any facilities decision, whether you are an office, retail, or industrial space user. Given the … Continued
Cargo Ship
They are calling it the ‘shipping crisis.’ Imagine a ten-car pile-up crash on the freeway… But instead of cars on a freeway, they are floating cargo ships clogging shipping ports. And oh, there are six times as many cargo ships than in a ten-pile-up crash. In fact, according to Business Insider, there were as many … Continued
Business Move Checklist
Is your business considering a move? Looking to relocate your office? As you may know, there’s a lot that goes into moving. (Most of us have done it before!) Preparing to move your business or office, however, might prove more complex than moving your home. Regardless, when it comes to any move, preparation and organization … Continued