At Voit Real Estate Services, our four pillars are:
- Community
- Clients
- Culture
- Family
Our team is connected, collaborative, fun, and of course, we’re all about the people.
This is why, since our establishment in 1971, we’ve treated our top producers to an incentive trip at a luxury resort each year.
This week, we asked Chris Drzyzga, Vice President at Voit, about his first experience at our company incentive trip.
Here’s what came of it.
Voit’s Annual Incentive Trip
As commercial real estate brokers, we often get caught up in the day-to-day in our lives and in our transactions.
The company incentive trip was a really nice way to be acknowledged for the hard work we do at Voit, says Drzyzga.
“You know, you don’t get credit for the work you put in on something that didn’t close, right? We all get really busy throughout the year and a lot of times, if you don’t have things like the incentive trip, your hard work and certain successes can get overlooked,” says Drzyzga.
“To unplug for three days and go and hang out with colleagues, management, and staff, is a really nice way to motivate yourself for the next year.”
Want more insight into Voit’s company culture? Check out this video from last year’s summer event.