Entrepreneur walking downtown in front of commercial building on the phone
Going into business by yourself is a brave and exciting undertaking. It can also, however, feel a bit overwhelming when you start to think about how you’re going to get your product or service into the hands of the people who might benefit most from it. In fact, this thought alone is often enough to … Continued
two professionals sitting at desk together looking over documents
Whether you’re a home buyer, business owner, or property investor, chances are you have or will come across a real estate agent or real estate broker. Although these terms—agent and broker—are used interchangeably, and while both are licensed professionals, there are key differences between the two. Let’s dive into these differences in our article “Real … Continued
Big Tech Office Buildings downtown in the evening
Reviewing “Big Tech Makes a Big Bet” Big tech companies like Meta, Google, and Robinhood are continuing to amass billions of dollars of office space; yet, many of their employees are still working remotely. So, why is big tech backing office space? The Importance of Office Space for Big Tech According to a recent New … Continued
Man in suit with finger touching holographic word "benefits"
Are you thinking about hiring a commercial real estate broker? Maybe you’re a business owner who needs more space or an investor who wants to invest in commercial real estate to strengthen your portfolio. But don’t go at things alone … (Secret’s out: It won’t save you time or money). Given the current economy and … Continued
researcher in laboratory in PPE
This isn’t the first time we’ve talked about life science space on our blog—and it likely won’t be the last.  The need for scientific research is nothing new; however, with two years of a global pandemic under our belts, the need for quality life science CRE has done nothing but grow. In fact, The Wall … Continued
downtown office buildings with green foliage and trees
How are you spending your time? And in what environment? According to the Huffington Post, the average person spends over 13 years of their life at work. This considered, the environment you work in has a huge impact on your mental wellbeing. But the good news? You can use office space to promote positive change … Continued
Paper house surrounded by blank dominos on a desk in a swirling pattern
Reviewing “Startups Are Looking To Fractionalize Real Estate Assets, But Should They?” Have you heard the term ‘fractional real estate’ or ‘real estate fractionalization’? If you haven’t, you likely will soon. Read on to learn a little bit about what fractional real estate is. Then, we’re handing over the reins to Forbes with their article … Continued
Voit Commercial Real Estate team at their annual incentive trip in Cabo 2022
At Voit, it’s been our goal for over 50 years to create a commercial real estate firm that values its team members above all else. Today, we are a privately held and broker-owned firm, which gives our professionals a voice in their careers and in their company. In short, our commercial real estate brokers choose … Continued
broker and clients
At Voit Real Estate Services, we have over 50 years of experience in the commercial real estate industry. This considered, we can rattle off what traits to look for in your CRE broker like it’s no one’s business. We’ll do you one better. Here, we have John Viscounty, Vice President at Voit, on camera to … Continued